
Shaun t hip hop abs loser sucks
Shaun t hip hop abs loser sucks

shaun t hip hop abs loser sucks

I know that those people probably have the best intentions when they do it but enticing people who are so desperately looking for a solution to their problems that they are willing to try just about anything is not the way to do it. I don’t know about you, but I do not want to end up being a new member of Orange Is The New Black over something I posted (even though I look good in orange, I just don’t like the show but I digress). Oh yeah, and for those of you who think that I am totally being a hater about showing everyone your paycheck or how much you made, there is this government agency called the FTC who thinks that doing that kind of stuff is kinda illegal. It takes time, dedication, consistency, AND belief. You are not going to make money like that overnight, in one month, in 7 months, or even in one year. You are only as successful as the team that you build who in turn are successfully building their own teams. Most coaches have NEVER been in business for themselves before so the idea that you are just going to come in and rock it out making money like that just sets EVERYONE up for failure in my opinion. It is a harsh reality that this biz is hard.

shaun t hip hop abs loser sucks

Now granted, I guess I should not be all judgmental because those people are way more successful than I am and I should probably be taking notes so maybe they can get away with it but I am from the school of thought that subtlety is the key. Yes, we are a network marketing company but that does not mean that you have to be all network markety (is that even a word). I swear, every time I see one of those posts I just roll my eyes. The cute girl in the picture holding up the sign saying that she made $23,984,156.73 in 1 month!! That’s cray cray?! Oh My God I am going to so sign up RIGHT now!!! Umm…no.

  • Sooo…you want to make a million dollars this month?.
  • You will catch way more using honey than running them away from the stench of throw up. THEN after you have done that, be a good FRIEND and offer them a solution to their problem. Take a chill pill…get to know someone first. You cannot build a relationship with someone if you are throwing up all over them. Poor things…you can’t be mad at someone who has that much passion right? Well, the whole concept behind Beachbody is creating a culture of sharing through building relationships. Yup, I am sure you have run into a few of these coaches, the coaches who are just bursting at the seams with passion about Beachbody that they just vomit it all over people. OMG!!! I totally just lost like 1,000 pounds and I am so frickin’ excited and I know that you want to lose weight too and you should totally buy this program so you can lose 1,000 pounds too…and then you can be on my team and you can make all of this money and stay home with your kids…
  • Uh oh…I’m sorry, did I get Beachbody all over your shoes?.
  • So here a few things that I have come up with: I have only been a coach for a short while but I am just from the mindset that you need to run your biz the way you would want to be treated as a customer. I am not in the business of bashing anyone but at the same time, I just see things every now and then that just make me want to pull someone to the side and say, “umm…just slow down because you are making it hard for the rest of us.” Now I already know that I am probably to offend some people with some of the things that I am going to say but I look at it like this, these are MY opinions so there you go.

    Shaun t hip hop abs loser sucks